The Halting Problem

The halting problem is an important theory in computer science. It gives us tools to explains the fundamental limitations of computers: what kind of problems can we solve with computers? What problems are impossible?


  1. You must be able to understand basic programming constructs.
  2. Having a working knowledge of the Ruby programming language would be useful.

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  1. Who proved that the halting problem was impossible to solve, and when?
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  2. Is it possible to create a program that will tell us whether a given program will halt or not?
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  3. Classify the following examples into halts and doesn't halt. Trace the programs with the inputs given.
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    def f1
    def f2 (n)
    	if (n < 0)
    		f2(n + 2)
    	elsif (n > 0)
    		f2(n - 2)
    def f3 (n)
    	if (n < 2)
    		return n
    		return f3(n-1) + f3(n-2)
    # This one is complicated - don't try it for m or n greater than 2. If you can't figure it out - don't worry !
    def f4 (m,n)
    	if (m == 0)
    		return n+1
    	elsif n == 0
    		return f4(m-1, 1)
    		return f4(m-1, f4(m, n-1))
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  4. Given the function f4 above, what do you notice about the number of steps it takes to run the function as m increases? Does this make it difficult to find out whether it halts or not?
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  5. Given that it is impossible to find out in a general case whether a program will halt or not, is it possible to find out whether a program halts in a specific case? Consider the following scenarios: programs that contain no loops, programs that contain no recursion, programs that contain no decisions.
  6. Debate with your partner or class, whether this result reduces the usefulness of computers.
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  7. A turing-complete computer is one that can express any computable algorithm - that is, "when the rules followed in sequence on arbitrary data can produce the result of any calculation". Is it possible that there is a broader definition for this "universal computer" which would allow us to solve the halting problem, and if so, what form would it take?
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  8. Give a simple example of a computer program that halts, and a computer program that doesn't halt. Extra points if you can make something that looks like it should halt, but doesn't and likewise, something that looks like it won't halt, but does.

Further Reading