Why would I learn this language?
Smalltalk is a powerful environment for exploring many different elements of computer programming, including rich media such as audio and user interfaces. Smalltalk code is generally concise and easily readable due to its message based syntax.
Smalltalk provides an integrated code browser and debugger which are incredibly powerful and easy to use. This makes Smalltalk a highly productive environment where code can be modified and fixed in the running application.
Starting Points
- Pharo Open Source Smalltalk
- Pharo is a clean, innovative, open-source Smalltalk environment available for many platforms.
- Squeakland: home of squeak etoys
- Etoys is an educational tool for teaching children programming with examples from other academic fields.
- Introduction to Squeak
- A set of resources for learning about Smalltalk programming in the Squeak environment.
Example Code
Here is an example of the Fizz Buzz problem:
1 to: 100 do: [:n|
((n \\ 5 == 0 ) & (n \\ 3 == 0)) ifTrue: [
'FizzBuzz' printNl.
] ifFalse: [
(n \\ 5 == 0) ifTrue: [
'Buzz' printNl.
] ifFalse: [
(n \\ 3 == 0) ifTrue: [
'Fizz' printNl.
] ifFalse: [
n printNl.
Here is an example of the 100 doors problem:
doors := [ :count |
"Initialize the array of doors to 0 (closed)"
a := Array new: count withAll: false.
"Process the doors"
a withIndexDo: [ :each :index |
index to: (a size) by: index do: [:this |
a at: this put: (a at: this) not
"Print out the results"
1 to: count do:
[ :n |
show: 'Door #', n, ' is ';
show: ((doors at: door) ifTrue: [#open] ifFalse: [#closed]);
show: '.';
doors value: 100.
Further Reading
- Wikipedia: Smalltalk
- Smalltalk (Main Website)
- Why Smalltalk